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Best Simpsons Quotes

You have reached the website that celebrates the wit and wisdom of the TV cartoon classic that is The Simpsons. We endeavour to discern common and recurring themes, while building an online archive of Best Simpsons Quotes.

The Simpsons is an animated sitcom created by Matt Groening, which has been on air continuously since 1987. Generations have been enthralled and entertained by the shows audacious humour and it continues to gain new followers. There is no social trend, theme, subject matter or issue that has not come under the show's scrutiny at some time or other during its long run of going on nearly 30 years.

The purpose of this website is to allow fans of the series to examine and discern common and recurring themes. Our efforts represents a modest attempt to collate and document what the show's characters and creators have said on various important questions of life, death and all things in between.

Check out our Visitor Gallery, where you can share your comments, observations, memories, reminiscences, etc. with other fans of The Simpsons, or suggest improvements to this web project. You can also Contact Us privately if you prefer. We welcome all forms of contributions and hope that you will share your thoughts with us. Only by pooling our energies can this website truly become a repository of Best Simpsons Quotes.

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For people interested in Simpsons books, DVDs, associated memorabilia, please visit our Amazon Merchandise section.

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